NITE Transportation Engineering Meet and Greet
This event is part of NITE’s continued effort to interact with and engage civil engineering students at local universities. The goal of this event is to connect with students that have an interest in transportation engineering and educate them on the type of work different companies/agencies do.
In the past, students felt the event was a valuable networking opportunity, and both students and professionals enjoyed the more intimate setting compared to a typical, university-wide career fair.
As part of our Meet and Greet, companies/agencies registering for the event were asked to donate $100 to participate. All the registrations fees were put towards student lunches at the general meeting and a donation into the Patrick McCoy Fund for Excellent Scholarship.
Donating into the Patrick McCoy Fund for Excellent is a new way that NITE is promoting our profession. Our organization plans to continue this event and the donation annually for many years to come. If you would like to donate, additional information regarding this scholarship is below.
Patrick McCoy Fund for Excellence
The Patrick T. McCoy Fund for Engineering Excellence is a permanently endowed fund created to support the Department of Civil Engineering, supporting programs, students and faculty in the area of transportation engineering. The fund has multiple uses, one of those being scholarships. It can be used for (but not limited to) scholarships, fellowships, travel, conferences or other related expenses.
Dr. McCoy was a nationally recognized researcher in the areas of traffic engineering and highway safety. For several years he was the faculty advisor for the UNL Student Chapter of ITE. Dr. McCoy was very active in ITE, serving on the MOVITE Board of Directors from 1986 through 1993, and as president of MOVITE in 1992.
If you or your firm would like to make an additional donation to the Patrick McCoy Fund for Excellence, please use the following link:
How has the Patrick McCoy Fund for Excellence impacted students?
In the past few years, the Mid-America Transportation Center (MATC) has received a small portion of the funds to sponsor one or two students to attend the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington DC.
To learn more about MATC, click here:
Mid-America Transportation Center (