The NITE DriveSmart program is an educational outreach initiative aimed at informing high school students about the importance of seat belt use, as well as the risks associated with distracted and impaired driving.
Here’s a link to a short bio video that summarizes what we do: DriveSmart Bio Video
This initiative was started in 2007 based on the challenge set forth by the MOVITE president to find a ways for the local chapters to “make a difference” in their communities. The NITE section decided that educating high school-aged drivers about good driving behaviors was one way to meet this challenge. Each year, information provided to students is updated with new data and facts, as well as new topics in order to stay current with social and technical advancements. Information is delivered through verbal presentations using visual media and group activities. Overall, the goal of the speaking program is to remain pertinent, informative, and relevant to local high school students. This completely volunteer program is entering the 10th school year of existence and continues to impact young drivers. The presentations continue to focus primarily on the topics of distracted driving and texting while driving.
This program has been well received by high school teachers and administrators, as well as parents and students. In most instances, teachers receive positive feedback from students on the presentations. In addition, several students have indicated that they will begin to use their seat belt and avoid distractions when driving.
NITE DriveSmart continues to strive to meet the goal of 3,000 students per academic year. The total number of students that have seen the presentation since the inception of the program is over 20,000 students. NITE DriveSmart would like to grow the program and increase the number of students we reach each year. However, we cannot do this without help from Chapter members. Please let one of our coordinators know if you or someone you know would like to be a presenter! See contact information below.
Bring DriveSmart to your school, business or organization.
Lincoln and Omaha
Brian Johnson