NITE is please to present two Section awards annually: Distinguished Member and Rising Star

The Distinguished Member Award is an honorary designation presented to members of NITE who have provided outstanding and significant contributions to NITE over a period of many years.

This award designation is intended to be the Section equivalent of MOVITE’s Distinguished Member Award. Some requirements of the NITE award are different than the MOVITE award. It will be the nominator’s responsibility to meet all District requirements if they choose to elevate the award to the District level.

To nominate this year’s NITE Distinguished Member please follow the guidelines in the nomination requirements.

The Rising Star Award is an annual award presented to an individual to recognize the achievements of a younger member in the transportation profession. It is designed to recognize members at the Section level who are 35 years old or younger, who have already made an impact on the profession, have demonstrated the ability to lead the next generation, and have implemented innovative techniques to solve transportation problems.

This award designation is intended to be the Section equivalent of MOVITE’s Rising Star Award. The requirements of the NITE award were modeled after the MOVITE award; however, it will be the nominator’s responsibility to meet all District requirements if they choose to elevate the award to the District level.

To nominate this year’s NITE Rising Star please follow guidelines in the nomination requirements. If you wish to elevate the nomination to the District level you will also need to fulfil the MOVITE nomination requirements.